John "Grizzy" Grzywacz Inc. Professor Emeritus OSHA Training Institute
The only electrical regulatory safety trainer that trains OSHA personnel
The only electrical regulatory safety trainer that trains OSHA personnel
The only 70E training course that actually compares NFPA 70E requirements to OSHA's regulatory requirements.
Whats OSHA looking for?
What are OSHA inspectors likely to ask?
What requirements of 70E are in direct violation of OSHA requirements and can even result in "willful" OSHA citations?
Unique and spectacular high voltage shows performed at professional conferences, sci-fi conventions, steampunk cons, film cons, horror cons, and other events.
"Its like watching the History Channel, only live"!
This is the definitive electrical safety course preparing occupational safety and health professionals to be able to communicate and understand the mystique and jargon of the “qualified” electrical workers (wiremen/electricians), and conduct investigations. This curriculum was developed by Grizzy for the OSHA investigators to prepare them to be able to effectively understand and communicate with qualified electrical workers as well as investigate electrical accidents and fatalities.
How Occupational Safety and Health in the US is being Hijacked (pdf)
DownloadFor OSHA offices and staff only
Louisiana Steampunk Festival Show
Miss Electra energized at 15,000 volts
Overview of the spectacular arcing & sparking apparatus!
Passing electricity through the professor to light the stage
Half million volt Tesla coil passing electricity through the professor to fragmentize objects
The only private sector consultant trainer (in the history of OSHA) to conduct initial compliance training for OSHA CSHO's.
Grizzy has taught and continues to teach OSHA inspectors on various topics including OSHA's legal aspects requirements.
OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.269 & 1926 Subpart V
The same course developed for OSHA and taught to OSHA inspectors.
Did you know OSHA has numerous LOTO standards? You could be following an OSHA LOTO standard to the letter and still be in violation of OSHA for not using the correct standard.
When OSHA knocks on your door what do you do? Do you have a strategy planned? Do you know what to expect? What to do? What not to do? How to protect your rights?
These questions and more will be answered during this fast paced mini seminar.
OSHA Standards are becoming Best Practices Consensus Standards are becoming Minimum Standards (at best)
Cutting edge regulatory insights into these new developments in Safety and Health with specific facts and background from recent consensus standards and why OSHA standards are becoming the new benchmark over these consensus standards.
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